Tag Archive | Dog Days



Tom Sawyer, “The Solemn Oath.” Public domain artwork by True Williams.

I don’t know about you, but my nerves are totally shot. If you’ve been watching the voting these past five days, you’ve seen the crazy NASCAR-style intensity as various writers jostled for various places. The writing (and reading) worlds turned out in magnificent numbers to support these ten finalists. Have I mentioned recently how incredible you all are?!

Some thanks are in order:

* To the voters, some of whom went to extraordinary lengths to find devices on which to support their favorite writer, turning in a whopping 1,400+ votes.

* To the Flash! Friday community, for supporting these finalists with comments, tweets, Facebooking, votes, and just generally being awesome in your awesomely awesome awesomeness.

* To the ten finalists. Though the final winner was chosen by wheeling, dealing, and conniving in the spirit of Tom Sawyer, each of you deserves a medal in your own right. Your stories were fresh, funny, creepy, original, crisp, sweet, raucous, and a wonderful read in every respect. Hats off and heartfelt congratulations to all ten of you:

MT Decker

Rasha Tayaket

Karl A. Russell

Tamara Shoemaker

Kristen Falso-Capaldi

Robert Marazas

Margaret Locke

Alissa Leonard

Mark A. King

Toni Morrow Wyatt

FINALLY: Please come back tomorrow (Wednesday) to celebrate the latest Flash! Friday winner, Taryn Noelle Kloeden, and read her #SixtySeconds interview. And then come back Friday for the next Flash! Friday contest, because writing doesn’t stop with a single contest on a single day, no matter how deliciously dragony. There is always writing going on, and you are always welcome here.


* 2nd runner up, with 264 votes: MT Decker

* 1st runner up, with 274 votes: Toni Morrow Wyatt

And in FIRST PLACE, with an astounding 461 votes, our first-ever Dog Days summer writing contest winner:


Congratulations, Margaret! You fought hard for this one — don’t think we didn’t see you trying to get Colin Morgan and Benedict Cumberbatch over to vote for you! — and for that conniving alone, the win is unshakably, unquestionably, entirely, absolutely deserved. In addition, your story so beautifully encapsulates summer mischief, and your final line adds a powerful layer of depth which turns the story on its head in the best kind of way. Great job, and congratulations! Wear your Tom Sawyer paintbrush with pride.

***All three winners please contact me here at your convenience to discuss how you’d like your winnings.***

CONGRATULATIONS again to all of youwhen a writer wins, we all win!!!! — and we’ll see you back here tomorrow.


Dog Days of Summer Contest

Doffer boys, Jan 1989. Public domain photo by Lewis Hine.

Doffer boys, Jan 1909. Public domain photo by Lewis Hine. Click on photo for Tom Sawyer excerpt.

In the dragon world of Flash! Friday, it’s summer. It’s always summer, in fact, and the days stretch out forever and you know you’ve got to borrow or invent mischief or you might go mad. So — welcome to the Dog Days of Summer writing contest! It’s too hot out for blather, so let’s get right to it.

Contest: Dog Days of Summer

Dates: July 8, 7:30 am until July 22, 11:59pm, 2014. All times local to Washington, DC. Check the world clock to translate into other time zones.

Rules: The normal Flash! Friday rules apply to content. 

Word Limit: 800 – 1,000 words, exclusive of title/byline

Inspiration: Tom Sawyer (childhood summer mischief: “real” or imagined)

Where: Here in the comments, as always.

Judges: Rebekah will choose the “top ten,” to be announced July 24. In keeping with the spirit of Tom Sawyer, the top 3 winners will be chosen by public vote (yes, it’s time to call Grandma); the poll will be open July 24 – 28, with the official winners’ announcement posting on Tuesday, July 29. 

Prizes: (via PayPal or Amazon gift card, winner’s choice — thank you to the Flash! Friday sponsors!)

    • Grand Prize $25 and the triple envy of the neighborhood gang
    • 1st runner up $15 and the double envy of the neighborhood gang
    • 2nd runner up $10 and the envy of the neighborhood gang

Now go get yourselves into some trouble!