Archive | October 2013

Sixty Seconds with: DragonsflyPoppy/Elizabeth Savory

REMINDER: THURSDAY OCT 31 is the deadline to apply as a judge for the first quarter of Year 2. Apply now!

Ten answers to ten questions in 20 words or fewer. That’s less time than it takes to burn a match*.

(*Depending on the length of the match and your tolerance for burned fingers, obviously)


Our newest Flash! Friday winner is DragonsflyPoppy, aka Elizabeth Savory.  Read her winning story here, then take one minute to get to know her better.

1) What about the prompt inspired you to write your winning piece? It got me thinking about how we communicate beyond just using words; how they often betray what we really feel.

2) How long have you been writing flash? About four/five months. Before then I hadn’t written creatively since school some *mumbles 18 years ago*…

3) What do you like about flash? It’s not overwhelming, it’s concise, and you can experiment.  And Flash! Friday is such a supportive environment to share.

4) What flash advice would you give other writers? I’m not sure I’m qualified to give advice! {{Editor’s Note: Nonsense! Your input is highly valued.}} I’ve learned such a lot just by reading other people’s stories.

5) Who is a writer we should follow, and why? There are too many to mention! Our host Rebekah’s writing is pretty awesome 🙂

6) Do you participate in other flash contests, and which? My daughter regularly asks me to tell her stories of faeries and dragons; she’s a shrewd listener – does that count?!!

7) What other forms do you write (novels, poetry, articles, etc)? (See above!)  I have dabbled with poetry and short stories, although I’m not sure they’re terribly good…

8) What is/are your favorite genre(s) to write, and why? I love observing people, exploring relationships, interactions and dynamics.

9) Tell us about a WIP. I have an idea taking shape for a novel but I’m yet to find sufficient time… and confidence!

10) How do you feel about dragons? LOVE them! I have a purple sparkly one who sits on the mantelpiece.

Flash! Friday # 47 — WINNERS!

We kick off today’s Round 47 festivities with a fond farewell to judge Dan Radmacher, who has served faithfully and with excellence this past year. THANK YOU, Dan, for being such a valiant and supportive member of the Flash! Friday family. On the bright side, though your judgery will be missed, I’m also looking forward to your return as a contestant! Three cheers for Dan!!

SPEAKING OF JUDGES! As the Year One panel retires over the next few weeks, let me remind you we are accepting applications to join the rotating judge panels for Flash! Friday’s Year 2. Details here! To be considered for the first panel (Dec 14 – March 14), please have your applications in by THIS THURSDAYOctober 31. Thanks to all who have already applied–it’s going to be a magnificent first quarter! 


Judge Dan Radmacher says, Thank you all for making my last stint of judging such a memorable one. The prompt took some of you in similar directions, while others used it as the barest touchstone to inspire some brilliant storytelling. So much humor, drama and emotion. Great job all the way around.



Stephen Wilds, Intuition.” The impact of this darkly humorous piece all turns on the tremendous characterization of the snide, dismissive Marlin. By the time we reach the twist at the end, we know Marlin well enough to gladly leave him to his fate.


VB Holmes,Bad News.”  Others mentioned the huge nose, but this tale is the one that, for me, prompted the biggest laugh about it with a line that comes way out of left field. The tone of the story pulls us in, even though both characters’ reaction to thinning hair seems overwrought. This is a nice, light bit of fun.


EA Smith, “Quieting the Mind.” I really liked this intimate tale that told us a lot, even while leaving a lot unsaid. The result was an almost impressionistic impact that gets under the reader’s skin in unexpected ways. The girl in the cranberry bog will stay with me for a long time.


Lady Hazmat,Memory of a Murder.” This was a vividly told story with great imagery that brought the abstract landscape of the mind to brilliant life. There are great touches throughout this piece that make the details stand out. I could see the work Oscar was doing and feel the psychic shockwaves between him and the condemned man. This great short story left me wanting more.

And appearing on the Flash! Friday dais for the first time  as 



for “A Meeting of Minds” 

 A simple, beautiful love story. The innocuous dialogue countered by the mutual burning desire expressed in the actual thoughts work together to paint a vivid picture of the scene and characters, even with no words of description. And then the subtle realization of the last line tells us that the story is only just beginning. Truly excellent.

Congratulations, DP! With a name and writing like yours, how could you not eventually win a round!!! Delighted to see you take the wreath at long last. Here is your Winner’s Page, a highly sparkly and mysterious dragon eBadge (below), and your winning Tale. As I do not have telepathy myself, please contact me asap here with your email address so I can interview you for Wednesday’s Sixty Seconds feature.

A Meeting of Minds

“Hello again.”
My God, it’s you.

“Oh, hi.”
It’s you. It’s really you.

“Such a nuisance when the train is late isn’t it?”
Thank goodness the train is late, it means I have longer to speak to you; to look at you.

“Yes, a real pain.”
And I get to spend just a few more heart-racing, precious moments in your company.

“You, um, look nice today.”
You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.

“Oh it’s just an old sweater, nothing special.”
I wore my best jumper on the off-chance I might see you.

“It’s getting cooler now the nights are drawing in.”
Your smile would melt the chill away.

“Yes, much colder.”
If you would only wrap your arms around me.

“Oh, um, here’s your train. That’s a relief.”
I hate that your train is here. I wanted a few minutes longer…

“Yes this is me. Maybe I’ll see you around?”
Say we’ll meet again?

“Yes, hope so.”
I’ll be here, same time next Friday, just as I have every other Friday for the last few months.

“Bye then.”
I don’t want to go.

Don’t leave.

Slowly the train pulled out of the station, leaving two strangers alone on the platform.


Flash! Friday # 47

TA-DONE!!!!! and what a crazy ride! thanks, everyone–back with results on Sunday!

** Got what it takes?? Apply now to take a turn as a mega spiffy JUDGE in Year 2! Details here. The application deadline for the first panel is October 31.

WELCOME TO FLASH! FRIDAY!  Ahhhh, dear Douglas Fairbanks! Today’s mind-reading prompt comes from the 1919 film When the Clouds Roll By, a film you’d never guess was directed by the same person (Victor Fleming) as Gone With the Wind some twenty years later. Goes to show you never know what’s in a person’s head, no matter how hard you stare. Not that it stops some of us, of course, from staring as profusely and enthusiastically as possible. (Yep, that’s me behind your shoulder. No, not there–yes! there.)

(Find the invasive contest rules here.)

This week’s meddlesome festivities are judged by the apparently nonintrusive, safe-seeming, totally innocuous SVW member Dan Radmacher (PS. believe any of that at your own risk) . Be sure to check out his judge page to peek inside his brain for a change.

And now:

Word limit: 200 word story (5 word leeway) based on the photo prompt. 

* How: Post your story here in the comments. Include your word count (195 – 205 words, exclusive of title) and Twitter handle if you’ve got one. 

* Deadline: 11:59pm ET tonight (check the world clock if you need to; Flash! Friday is on Washington, DC time–heads up, as on Nov 3 (one week from Sunday!) we switch to Daylight Savings Time and will be off an hour til early spring)

Winners: will post SUNDAY 

Prize: A snooping e-trophy e-dragon e-badge, an embarrassingly impertinent winner’s page (down page! down! bad page!) here at FF, a Nosy Parker 60-second interview feature next Wednesday, and YOUR NAME whispered behind your back in gossip parlours around the world (so to speak). NOTE: Winning and non-winning stories alike remain eligible for selection for Monday’s as-often-as-I-can-get-to-it Flash Points. 

* Follow @FlashFridayFic on Twitter for up-to-date news/announcements/tips on keeping secrets from dragons (PS. It usually requires the death of the secret-keeper).  And now for your prompt:

When the Clouds Roll By (1919). Public Domain.

When the Clouds Roll By (1919). Public Domain.