Catherine Connolly

Catherine Connolly 2Catherine is Flash! Friday’s very last winner, for Vol 3 – 52. She resides in the North West of England amidst increasing numbers of books and competing story ideas. She is a member of The Poised Pen writing group and runs faithfully with the #FlashDog Pack.  Her work has been published by Paper Swans Press, J.A. Mes Press and The Opening Line Literary ‘Zine.  Her virtual awards shelf includes trophies from The Angry Hourglass, Three Line Thursday and Luminous Creatures.

When she isn’t writing fiction she can be found within words on Twitter and at her blog.



Through Lettered Lands

There’s a world of words, they told me.
Mythic in size and proportion.
The magic admits those
who write a sentence on entering,
leaving chocolate drops behind
to mark their route through lettered lands.

Some territories are unknown, they told me.
You must map them yourself,
with other explorers.
They seek you out, supportive,
once you know where to find them.
They run together in packs.

Take care, little wanderer, they told me –
once hunted, few care to return from
the beauty of script scribbled in spaces,
blank, ‘til creation begins.

It expands on arrival, they told me,
so few know how large it’s become,
save for those who’ve travelled since beginning
their journey some long-score prompts passed.

It inhabits hearts and minds, they tell me –
take it wherever you go,
its end starting whole new beginnings,
cartographic creators’ creations,
living inside ever after, full grown.

Explorers seek it, perpetual.

All write on entering –
Here be dragons.