Monica Heffner

Monica Heffner 2SVW member Monica Heffner’s writing career began in middle school when she decided to write a play for her cousins, who resentfully agreed to perform it after much harassment on her part. Since then, many of Monica’s plays and skits have been performed by various churches and groups. To her surprise, no harassment was necessary. Three years ago she ventured into the world of blogging. She currently writes at, where she blogs about family living and her faith in Jesus, and shares some of her fiction work.

Monica is a monthly writing contributor for The Homeschool Village and Holy Spirit-led Homeschooling, for whom she is also compiling a book. Her work has also been featured at The Adoption Magazine. While the majority of Monica’s work for the past few years has been non-fiction, she loves to create drama through fiction with her short stories, flash fiction, and a currently untitled mystery-romance faith-based novel. When she is not working on the afore mentioned projects, you can catch her spending time with her husband of 16 years who she lovingly refers to as “unsub,” or homeschooling and laughing with her four children.

Monica can be found on Twitter, and you can like her on Facebook, to keep up to date on her latest posts and published work.

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