IfeOluwa Nihinlola

IfeOluwa Nihinlola

1. I love details. I’m like a fish before an attractive hook when it comes to details. (Of course, I have a judging partner to prevent the winners list from looking like an array of details.)

2. Let the prompt soar on dragon wings, or set it to warp speed and let it fly to galaxies far far away. Shock the prompt with your imagination.

3. Finding a glaring error in an otherwise well-written story is like crashing my teeth on stones while chewing rice. Whenever this happens too often in one meal, I usually abandon it. I am not saying I will abandon any story but…

4. If your story however makes a Frenchman out of me, if I find myself chanting words like bravo and analysing with phrases like Je ne sais quoi, none of the things above will matter.


IfeOluwa is a an engineering student who spends most of his study time reading and writing stories. He has lived all his life in south-western Nigeria, except for one year spent in the south-east where he caught the writing bug. He can be found strolling on the streets of Lagos, looking for a story, crawling the corridors of the internet for the same, or scribbling his thoughts on his blog.

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