Flash! Friday # 37

DONE! I’m going to be snorting laughter even in my dreams thanks to y’all. So–thanks, y’all! Judge’s results will post Sunday.

Welcome to Flash! Friday battle # 37. Assuming you have not eaten, you will doubtless find today’s repast a bit wild and stringy. But whether you’ve arrived on full or empty belly, we are most excessively delighted to see you here. Take a glance at the prompt, roll your sleeves up, and go to town!  

(Need the contest rules?)

This week’s contest is judged by SVW member Maggie Duncan whose preferred method of travel may or may not require goats. Be sure to check out her judge page to find out what she looks for in a winning entry. Short version: she likes a strong tie to the prompt, a complete story, and subjects and verbs in proper alignment. 

And now:

Word limit: 100- word story (5-word leeway) based on the photo prompt.

* How: Post your story here in the comments. Include your word count (95 – 105 words, exclusive of title) and Twitter handle if you’ve got one.

* Deadline: 11:59pm ET tonight (check the world clock if you need to; Flash! Friday’s on Washington, DC time)

Winners: will post SUNDAY (note new posting date)

Prize: An immature e-trophy e-dragon e-badge, a personalized and goofy page here at FF, a remarkably underdeveloped 60-second interview feature next Wednesday, and YOUR NAME embroidered on diaper bags around the world (give or take). NOTE: Winning and non-winning stories alike remain eligible for selection for Monday’s Flash Points. 

* Follow @FlashFridayFic on Twitter for up-to-date news/announcements/dragon driving tips.  And now for your prompt:

Baby Glenn. Photo used with permission.

Baby Glenn. Photo used with permission.

231 thoughts on “Flash! Friday # 37


    I’m gonna go places, yes sirree.
    Me and Billy here, we got the world to see!
    Down to the bridge where big trolls hide,
    Over the stream to fields gold and wide.

    Through the village we’ll trot and wave,
    Past the dark wood and the fairy’s cave.
    Off to the lakes and isle’s in mist,
    Then to the vale of the hidden tryst.

    The mountain road shall lead us on!
    We’ll sleep at night, rise at dawn.
    Oh, the wonders and views ahead
    Such grandeur to hold in my little head!

    But before I leave, to keep me happy,
    Please someone, change my nappy.

    106 incl title
    This came through as a poem for whatever reason! Hope you enjoy…


  2. A Visit To Madam Zara

    Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess who had everything she ever wanted. But she wasn’t satisfied. One day a circus was in town and the princess wandered into Madam Zara’s cabin where she promised you whatever you wished. Now the princess was unhappy at being called spoilt; it wasn’t her fault she was stinking rich. Then she had the most marvellous idea.

    “Take me back to a time where money wasn’t important,” she demanded.

    Zap! And the princess was a baby.

    “But that doesn’t explain the goat,”

    “Ah well, every baby princess needs a nanny. Anyhow, how would she have gotten home?”



  3. With apologies to Glynn…

    “On Looking a Gift Horse in the Mouth”
    by Dr. Mike Reddy (@doctormikereddy)
    [100 words]

    “Master, I swear the boy is Sherpa reborn.”

    “The racehorse… that died last year?”

    “Your favourite mount, yes! That old witch said he’d come back!”

    It was obvious the hand was expecting me to be angry, but I’d my own suspicions about Glynn. Something just not right about the boy. I motioned him to continue with the horsewhip.

    “‘Tain’t natural for him to stand and walk so young. Like a foal.”


    “When you spared the crone, she said she’d see you right. She knew you loved him and plumb brought Sherpa back.”

    “It’s true, he really gets my goat!”


  4. Giddyap!


    “Alright, I got the swag, let’s go!” said Baby-faced Joe as he leapt onto the buggy and jammed a fat cigar into his mouth.

    “Huh?” replied the gnarled old goat from in between the shafts.

    “Go goat, go! Giddyap!” said Joe, shaking the reins vigorously.

    “Whur we goin?”

    “We’ll head west to the Pecos and follow the river to Mexico, now git!” Joe growled, shaking at the reins again.

    The goat began to shuffle forwards, the bell around its neck clunking with every other step.

    “Git goin’ goat! Let’s go!”

    “I feel sleepy…”

    “Don’t stop now, come on! Git!”


    “Awww, darn it!”


    103 words


  5. Title: Baby Time
    Being trapped in the body of a baby is not reliving childhood, but the hell that comes before it.

    We could have just waited to return me to normal, but my brother’s girlfriend has him so whipped.

    “Let’s pretend he’s ours for the day.” Crueler words were never said.

    Many photos were taken, the latest of which were placing me behind a stinky goat. I may have been smiling in the pictures for her, but I was dying inside. Finally, we got the call to return.

    “Thanks for that. You know we’ve had trouble making a baby.”

    “Ugh. Shut up and change me already.”

    @JSHyena/104 words


  6. Daddy, run home!

    “Yes, so Daddy hoisted me onto this ridiculous cart, and fastened me in place with a belt so tight my tummy hurts. I think he’s gone to take a pee break and didn’t want me crawling off into the bushes, or worse, tugging at this poor Googoo’s hair and making him run like the devil got him.

    Dad is mad. Just because I can’t speak doesn’t mean I can’t think! I guess I’ve been too good to him lately – now for some fun. Come on, Googoo! Time for a long drive!”

    And they’re off. Dad will have to walk home.

    100 words. @vvordyvvise



    Svetlana was now the richest person in the world. Five million people worked in her stores, selling the innovative product that had come to define the business boom of the past decade. Her bank account was twelve figures and she lived in a stunning Central Park penthouse where old masters adorned the walls. Even though she donated one third of her annual profits to charity Svetlana’s wealth kept on expanding. She had truly made it.

    And to think it all started in a remote Siberian village when she was barely a few months old, sitting on a dinky carriage pulled by a dim-witted goat.

    104 words
    @dieterrogiers / 300stories.wordpress.com


  8. The Goats of Glenn Günderfeld
    By: Allison K. Garcia
    (104 words)

    Click clack. Click clack. On dark nights by the full moon you can still hear their hooves along the river path. He had a kinship with them from birth; some say at six months old he could already control them with his mind. Goats flocked to him from hundred of miles, winding through mountains and riverbeds, arriving at his family farm. By age seven, he had a small army. He stood on their backs as they flowed through town like a slow, destructive river. The settlers soon abandoned the area, leaving him alone with his legion. All that was left was a goats’ town.


  9. “wow Grandpa, this Baby looks like Luke only he can sit up!”

    Wandering over, Glenn took a look at his grandsons point of interest. “aha well that would be me with our family goat. ”
    “what about the horses, we were always been horse breeders Grandpa?”
    “oh the horses were business. Billy here was for our pleasure !
    As you know, we have moved into the technology world and onto a more motorized horse power back then we relied on the animals.

    With business booming, we realised children needed a way of getting about safely and  independently, doing their part

    Billy and I were pioneers!”

    (98 words)


  10. “He’d been through a lot in his short life. Kicked off the McGillicutty farm for eating one too many pairs of knickers. Poked and prodded by the circus clowns to leap over one too many yapping dogs. But this… this was the final straw. Strapped to a cart, held prisoner by that mewling little thing. Didn’t they know who he was? The indignity. He squinted his eyes and gritted his teeth. He’d show them. He’d show them all. For Billy knew something those stupid humans didn’t. He knew where the troll lived. And that troll was always hungry. “


  11. Cinderella

    Her Fairy Godmother had warned her about leaving by midnight but Cinders took no notice. As the clock chimed 12 she carried on dancing, minutes later she was feeling distinctly strange. Maybe it was time to go after all. She rushed out, remembering to leave a slipper on the stairs. Thankfully the coach was still there, minus coachmen, she’d have to drive herself. As she sped off, everything changed. She never went home, she couldn’t, not like this. She tried phoning her Fairy Godmother, she wasn’t answering. Looking down at her tiny feet, she sighed, no way would that glass slipper fit now.

    103 Words


  12. “The Bet”

    Scott L Vannatter
    @SVBookman – Twitter
    100 Words


    The couple looked intently at the photograph.

    “That’s grandfather Glen,” said Trudy. “It’s a picture of him on his first ride.”

    “How’d he get that at 6 months old?” exclaimed Jerry.

    “Well, see, his older brother, Jerome, could talk a bit and told his Dad that Glen could balance a full bottle on his head for thirty seconds. they reached a better’s agreement, shook on it, and Jerome proved it to his Dad.”

    “So, he won the bet?!”

    “Yeah, …at least, he didn’t put the cart before the um goat.”

    “Hm, or maybe…”

    “Don’t say it!”

    “Yeah, you could say he got his goat.”

    “Bad, Tim. Bad. Quit smiling.”





  13. Malarkey
    by A J Walker

    Captain Burb was not best pleased, ‘I said make us inconspicuous and give us some fast transport.’

    ‘From the way we’re being inspected by the locals I think something’s wrong Captain.’

    The Captain gurgled and burped.

    ‘I seem to be chewing on some grass’, the Vice Captain continued sheepishly.

    ‘When we get back to the ship remind me to do something with Corporal Malarkey,’ the Captain burbed.

    ‘May I suggest that we don’t allow him on the transmute and beam machine the day after St Patrick’s Day again,’ said the Vice Captain, between chews.

    ‘That’s a given, now take us out of here. Giddy Up!’

    (105 words)


  14. I ALWAYS RETURN (105 words)
    By @ifemmanuel

    You think this is awkward, don’t you?

    You see, Billy was the biggest, but one day many people visited and master came for him – he never returned.

    Then, there’s my cousin who used to talk of his mating escapades in other farms. One day he didn’t return.

    “You’re not my type” Sandy once told me, now her value is measured in childbirth. Master always takes away her kids and they never return.

    Then master bought the light box and came for me too. Today he has young master hold me the way he holds Truman the horse. Yes, it looks awkward, but I always return.


  15. Proof

    The picture and his sad story often bought a meal and lodging. Occasionally, it bought a night of pleasure. He kept “Glenn” with his other treasures: discharge papers from the war, a certificate of marriage. They were the proof of his family; Glenn, born while he fought in the Ardennes, and sweet Jennie who died of influenza shortly after he arrived home. Nevermind that his treasures were found in the homes he visited where the real Glenn and Jennie and the man whose discharge papers he carried dwelt. They were his life now and worth a meal, a bed and companionship.

    101 words

    First time, be kind.


  16. ‘Hey, Goat, if we’re going to be a comedy double act you better start coming up with some gags!’
    ‘But I’m the straight guy.’
    ‘Nah, you’ve a face for comedy!’
    ‘Do not!’
    ‘Do so! People love funny animals!
    ‘Goats love funny babies!’
    ‘One thing’s for sure, we better stay away from the kid puns.’
    ‘Yeah, predictable.’
    ‘I prefer a more surreal brand of humour, myself. Experimental, if you will.’
    ‘Well,Baby Face, we’re ahead on that score.’
    ‘Do you have any discernible talents?’
    ‘Apart from being a talking goat? Nah.’
    ‘Apart from the advanced talking? Nah.’
    Silence, then…
    ‘Know any good puns, Kid?’

    104 words


  17. Sweet Baby Glenn

    “Here, kid. Hold these.”

    I pushed the leather straps into his pudgy fists and stepped out of the tiny cart. The ram croaked, and shuffled his feet, kicking up dust. What a pair they made—both in white coats—just sitting there in the street.

    Burns’ General was empty, save for Mr. Burns and myself. I let the door close behind me.

    “Who’s that in the cart?” he asked casually, not even looking up from polishing his counter.

    The Peacemaker pointed at his head clicked, he looked up. Fear chased the grin from his face.

    “That’s Baby Glenn. Your son.”

    100 words, @LadyPutz


  18. “You’re not my Fairy Godmother!”
    “No, darling,” and the witch’s laughter hissed. Did you really think I’d let your papa take you to The Ball, to outshine my daughters.”
    “What have you done to Daddy?” Glennis’ bottom lip wobbled.
    “Pooophh… Ha-ha-hahahaha-ha-ha… Spontaneous combustion, dear; no one will ever know.”
    “I don’t want Nanny to be a goat.” A tear dibbled down Glennis’ cheek, “And I don’t want to be a baby,” she began to bawl. And bawl, and bawl, and she began to pat her hands together, together, together, intensifying… Bang!
    “Gosh,” said Daddy, “Doesn’t that goat look just like…”

    @CliveNewnham – 100 words


  19. Caprinae Diem
    104 words

    Ian shook his head in dismay: for the life of him he would never what passed for ‘logic’ in a fairy’s mind.

    “What… did you do?” he demanded as he tried to pull his son from the cart they’d hitched to a goat’s back.

    The fairies gathered around for a moment chattering before the head fairy looked at him and shrugged.

    “You said the one piece of advice you’d give him was ‘Caprinae Diem.’

    Ian bowed his head.

    “No, you fools! I said Carpe Diem!”

    “Oh,” the head fairy said in a disappointed tone before perking up…

    “Quick boys, get his man a fish!”


  20. **Flash! Friday Judge’s Entry: For your reading pleasure.**

    ~~The Puca’s Revenge~

    If they would remove this thrice-damned halter for a mere fraction of a second, I would show them just how wrong they had been to keep *me* prisoner. Trapped within one form. Bent and bound to the farmer’s will.

    But I am very, very patient.

    Today they put me in the goat cart. Set the youngster in and gave him reins fastened to that thrice-damned halter. They grow complacent and careless, knowing that I am caught and must obey.

    They forget; young Glenn is so pliable…and will grow so quickly. Already I have planted the seeds in his young mind.

    I *will* be free…. Soon.

    105 words
    © 2013 Beth E Peterson


  21. Where the hell did he send me this time, the wild west? Every time I get sent to a new body, the parents are taking pictures. It never fails, and I’m always too young to protest. Well, hopefully this baby’s got a better life lined up for it than the last one. Dying of cancer at four years old is not what I signed up for. If I had known that eternal life meant having to relive the formative years, I’d have simply kept my soul. I should have specified one eternal lifetime. Damn demons, they’ll get you every time.

    Word Count: 100


  22. Frunir laughed heartily as his friend took a photograph of baby Glenn in his mine cart. “Even yer infants are oversized ye hairless monstrosity!”

    “Not my fault you’re short.” William laughed. Frunir was his dearest and, at 308, certainly his oldest friend.

    “Besides, William has hair. Although not as much as he once did.” William’s wife spoke brightly as she walked past carrying the basket of laundry. “Are ye staying for dinner?” She called over her shoulder.

    “I wish I could lass but the mines wait for none. I must get back or me brothers will take the new vein fer themselves.”

    word count: 102


  23. Proof

    So Glenn strode in holdin’ this here photograph, slapped it on the bar and says; proof. He’d had a few, but his eyes held a soberness that said he believed this, so I looked.

    The first man o’ Prospect, he said, pulled in as a babe by God hisself. He stabbed gnarled finger at the goat. God hisself, so the legend goes.

    I let ‘im have his moment, the whole damn bar eavesdroppin’ for my reply.

    So I says; fine.

    And he says; fine.

    Then I says; hold on Glenn. If that’s the first man, and that’s the almighty; then who took the goddamn picture?

    105 words @DHartleyWriter


  24. Inadvisable Travel

    Old Luther looked over his shoulder with understandable concern. While he couldn’t help being impressed by the fact he’d never been so gently and expertly hitched to the small wagon, he still questioned the wisdom of the young master deciding to go for a ride.

    The Powers knew he was accustomed to…unusual situations in his position as livestock to a wizardly family but this was a set of circumstances totally beyond his previous experience.

    He was well aware magically-endowed children could be quite precocious but he couldn’t help feeling his employers would not approve of this journey as he reluctantly ambled out of the yard.

    105 words @klingorengi


  25. A Fervent Prayer
    by James Mender

    I approached the God-Childe most reverently, bowing so that my head would never be higher than His. As I drew near, the holy white goat which drew the God-Childe’s sacred wain sniffed at me, then allowed me to pass. Careful not to look upon the God-Childe’s majestic presence, I raised my tiny prayer flag to Him.
    He took it from my hands. I heard gasps from many in the crowd at His blessing of an outsider.
    For the record, I’m not a believer. My prayer?
    Not to get killed by the God-Childe’s heavily armed followers before I could get the hell off that DUST world.

    ~ ~ ~
    Author’s note: 105 words.


  26. The Curse
    Oh, the igdignity of it! Bad enough that I, Torgldson, one of Worstiff’s greatest warriors has been changed into a goat! now they have harnessed me to this stupid cart and expect me to pull stnky baby Glenn around! When I find that witch again I’m going to butt her into next week! She’s the one who cursed me. She said that I was a randy goat and that my form should match my behavior. She didn’t have to do this! She could have just said, “No!”. Don’t even get me started on what they feed me and where I sleep., it’s horrible!
    105 words emilykarn@wordpress.com


  27. Baby Glenn

    He smiled at me when he was born. Mom says it was just my weary nerves.

    The wind whispered softly in my ear and a thousand butterflies fluttered inside my body as I held Glenn the very first time. Danny gathered both of us in his arms, and Glenn’s tiny fingers tickled Danny’s goatee.

    Afterwards, every time I held Glenn, he would smile. Oh, that mischievous smirk! The twinkle in his eyes! Surely, it meant something.

    On his six-month birthday, Baby Glenn mounted the wagon and pulled on the reins. That mischievous twinkle and a Goat? Danny was nowhere to be found.

    104 words (Sans title)


  28. Problems with the Historical Record
    105 Words

    Telegram dated August 5, 1893.
    “Professor, the potions worked as hypothesized. Stop.”

    Telegram dated August 6, 1893.
    “Trouble with the test subjects occurred. Stop.”

    Telegram dated August 7, 1893.
    “Doctor Hadley’s transfiguration proving to be a more perilous problem than first thought. Stop.”

    *Missing data*

    Telegram dated November 5, 1893.
    “The ox drank of the formula. It has fallen ill. Will update when available. Stop.”

    Telegram dated November 10, 1893.
    “Ox now bleets in place of the standard moo. Otherwise no change as of yet. Stop.”

    *Missing Data*

    Telegram dated December 14, 1893.
    “All is well. Ox-goat likes the cart. Hadley likes the Ox-goat. Stop”


  29. I sorted through the stack of photographs, black and whites browning with age. Life unfolded in everyday moments. Weddings. Family reunions. School and church outings. Blue writing at the bottom of one caught my attention: Glenn 6 mo. old.

    A baby sat atop a cart hitched to—what the heck was it? A goat? A yak? I lived too much in the urban world to recognize the creature. The baby—my infant grandfather and one day a man I’d never know—smiled.

    A long-ago present, preserved for a future who knew it as history.

    I smiled back and packed the photos up for safe keeping.

    105 words


  30. Like Father, Like Son

    “Before you take the challenge of your young life my boy, I want to present you with something to inspire you, to drive you on, and to give you hope for your future. In your veins runs the blood of champions. This photograph shows your ancestor. He raced too; confronted the trial that you now face. He took the test, faced his inner demons and triumphed, overcame all adversaries before emerging the victor, taking his spoils. The odds are against you, the stakes unimaginably high, but I believe that you can win today Anakin. May the force be with you!”

    100 words


  31. Beecham grazed alone, again. The other goats called him “frilly” and “fancy”, assuming he put on airs. He may have, but not for no reason. He was, after all, a mountain goat.

    “Hey, Beecham, I hear today’s your day.” Charlie, head of the herd, said.

    “How so?”

    “Your master calls.”

    “For important business?”

    “Only the most important.” Charlie laughed as the farmer came to hook Beecham up to the cart.

    Finally I will show these fools what I am made of.

    Beecham stood tall and at attention, until baby Glenn was put on the cart and the camera clicked away. The herd watched and chuckled.

    105 words


  32. @HannahStreett1
    Asylum – 101 Words

    I settle my youngest onto the bench of a rickety cart, watching the bouncing ginger head by my side with a strained smile. “Marie, hold your brother, please.”

    Marie shoots me a wide, shining grin in all her six-year-old splendor, dutifully scampering up and clutching the babe.

    Tucking a skimpy bag of bread and cheese beneath them, I pat the wooly back of a dreary-eyed goat. “Come on, old girl,” I whisper. She bleats but ambles forward, cart trundling along behind.

    Marie giggles. Baby Josiah claps. I fix my gaze ahead.

    I hope this hardship will be better than the last.


  33. Glenn (101 Words)

    That’s our Glenn. He was a sturdy nipper. Big for his age and such a good lad. Never one for crying and complaining. Good as gold he was, and so handsome and strong. He looked just like his Pa.

    Course them farmers never cared. That winter when the snows came and food ran low, they carved him up and ate him as if he didn’t have a family what loved him.

    But that’s okay. Come spring I chewed a hole in the fence, and their little one crawled right through it down to the river. Funny. His name was Glenn too.


  34. Baby Glenn and the Goat

    “Dwayne! Come quick!”
    The spectral Dwayne Hicks II hurried from tending to the orchard of Xothian apple trees that he’d planted in the spring. He rubbed his eyes as if unsure of what he was seeing, then gawked at the very real sight of a baby seated in a cart being pulled by a magnificent long-haired ram. His wife Aferdita, also a spirit, lifted the infant from the cart.
    “He looks jest like Davy did when he was a baby, don’t he?”
    “Dita, I’m sure he’s got folks,” Dwayne said gently. “They done wrote his name—Glenn—inside his collar.”
    100 words (not including title)
    Bloomy (Ming)


  35. “Are we there yet?” the goat asked, glancing back over a fluffy shoulder.

    The baby shrugged, giving some slack to the reins as the wagon slowed.

    “We’re somewhere, all right,” the baby said, scratching the peach fuzz on his head as he took in his surroundings. He’d been in some one horse towns before, but this place looked more like a one goat town. And the baby had brought the only goat. “For all I know, this could be the place. I’ve never been great with directions…”

    The goat sighed. “That’s what I get for letting a baby navigate.”

    99 words.


    • I think that baby may navigate better than I do! For all the jokes about men refusing to ask for directions, I’m way worse. I keep thinking “oh, it’s got to be just around the next corner!”


  36. ‘Oh, Errol! Why d’ya go an’ get this? I didn’t wanna go anywhere today!’ said Glenn
    ‘It’ll be fun. It’s a great cart an’ it’s me pulling,’ said Errol.
    ‘Great, if great means old.’
    ‘Don’t be a spoil sport!’
    ‘You take that back, Errol! I’m no spoil sport. You remember how you got here!’
    ‘Yeah, how could I forget? You banging on about it all the time.’
    ‘I don’t need you, you know. I can get along nicely by myself. No worries.’
    ‘Let’s see you try.’
    ‘You’ve gone too far this time, Errol! You don’t go forgetting you’re just an imaginary friend!’

    104 words


    • Those imaginary friends do have a way of getting one into the soup. When I was six years old, they convinced me that cat food must be good because cats like it!
      When I grew up (physically–I don’t think I ever did mentally) my imaginary friends morphed into story characters! 🙂


  37. Ooflak of the M’yer sat upon his royal conveyance and looked over his kingdom with satisfaction. His people had wrought well, lifting rocks that weighed as much as they did and building structures that towered over even him, and he was considered remarkably tall for a M’yer. At least a male. His wife, Mys’Gig-lz was in her customary leather harness, still considered scandalous by the more conservative sects, and she walked ahead of him in the place of honor. Today they were christening the new space vessel that would take Ooflak’s people to the stars. Mys’Gig-lz snorted, starting off again – her sister was the captain.

    105 words


  38. “An’ that’s the last time we saw ol’ Glenn, that is.”

    Pa heaves forward from the couch and paws the photo across the coffee table with his stiff, enlarged fingers. The rest of the photos slide around until this one comes to rest in front of me. I stick on my glasses and lean in.

    “Last time, eh Pa?” I say.

    “Yep. Then he rode off inta the sunset, he did. Not a look back. Knew where he was goin’, that one. Knew what he wanted from the get-go.”

    Yes, Pa, you did always know what you wanted.

    98 words


  39. “Two Legs”
    The hot sun beats down upon the land as I stand still, watching as the two legs continue to speak strange words. The tallest of the two legs with odd hairs growing from his face places a tiny two leg on the contraption that is strapped to me.

    Whenever the two legs have the smallest one, I hear the word Glenn mentioned many times. I can only assume that it’s his name. I’ve always liked him, though he did pull at my horns that one time. I’m far too old to pull the larger two legs.

    Maybe I’ll pull Glenn from now on.
    (103 words)


  40. ANGORA

    Bathing in April’s liquid sun, my fecundity demanded scant clothing in the warmth; so I complied: abdomen exposed. Munching across the fence, our Holstein dairy cattle and a few scrub goats cleared the fencerow of grass.

    By mid-June, our son arrived.

    Two years later, our son ripped around as if he had prior farm knowledge. In his two-year-old language, he announced to us, and repeatedly for years afterward: “Before I was born I saw a lot of light. There were ladies in real long dresses with Grandma. And Granddaddy had the Angora hitched to my buckboard.

    Our ancestors raised Angora goats in Oklahoma, 1898.


  41. The demon, Zardoz, smiled. “I shall let the humans have their fun for now.” The six month old body he inhabited would take time to grow and strengthen, as would his powers. Then he would have his revenge on the humans for the indignities they’d put him through.

    Including the humiliations he had to endure from the parents of his body. Oh, the indignity of being posed, like a human adult, in a tiny carriage, pulled by a goat! He held the reins in his hands, cursing his feeble body. A body too weak, and tiny, to strangle his torturers.

    100 Words


  42. “Letting Go”

    Tagon gripped Glenn’s clothes and leaned his face into the boy’s back, tears falling freely. This isn’t how it’s supposed to be, he thought, we were supposed to be safe on this backwater planet.

    But they weren’t safe. A Klystocene raiding party tracked them here somehow. The yellow-green ‘meteor’ landed early this morning.

    They didn’t know about Glenn; he could still be safe. The goat would take him to the next village; someone would take the boy in, care for him. He’d grow up as human. He could evade eradication, survive.

    Then why is it so hard to let go?

    Tagon forced his fingers open.

    105 words
    I TOTALLY loved finding the boots and the man hiding became my pov character! I had so much more and had to cut it all out! Tons of fun! Thanks, Rebekah!


  43. Baby Talk

    “Your first time?” The old goat asked.

    The boy laughed.

    “You wish,” the baby answered, “They do this, like, every hour.”

    The goat snorted.

    “Want to have a little fun?”

    “Hit me.”

    “When they say ‘cheese’ start balling uncontrollably.”


    “Junior, say ‘cheese’!”

    (Junior cries.)

    “Oh, baby, are you ok?”

    “Stop,” Goat said.

    (Junior stops.)

    “This time, you laugh and I’ll start moving.”

    “You got it.”

    “Let’s try again. Say ‘cheese’!”

    (Junior laughs, the goat moves.)

    “Don’t move, Sheep!”

    “Sheep? Really?” Goat defended.

    “You think you have it bad? I live with these people.”

    “You win. Ready to be done?”

    “Yes, Goat.”

    “Ok. Say ‘cheese’!”


  44. The Deal – 105 words

    Grandpa Glenn stood at the pearly gates and weighed up his options. Heaven sounded nice, but there was still so much he hadn’t yet done. He glanced towards Satan, “Tell me about this deal of yours?”
    “It’s simple, I get your soul in exchange for a wish.”
    “I can go back to earth?”
    “If you like.”
    Glenn made up his mind, “Ok deal, but with conditions. I want to go back young and handsome, with a baby face and a body women can’t stay away from.”
    “Anything else?”
    “Yeah, I want a glorious white steed, something people will notice.”
    Satan smiled wickedly, “Coming right up!”


  45. Roustabout – 100 words

    His mother never knew what hit her. Glenn knew a little bit about everything since he was a wee child, and that helped him decide his fate by 12. Not one to mince words, as he rarely used any, Glenn told his mother he’d be out on his own and taking care of business as he saw fit. There was nothing she could do. Oh, she cried, a lot. He left her home with 4 other young’uns. But it was his courage scaring her the most. Where did he think he’d find that herd of sheep to take care of?


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