Sixty Seconds with: Jennifer Terry

Ten answers to ten questions in 20 words or fewer. That’s less time than it takes to burn a match*.

(*Depending on the length of the match and your tolerance for burned fingers, obviously)


Our newest Flash! Friday winner is Jennifer Terry.  Read her winning story on his winner’s page here, then take one tiny but rather magical little minute to get to know her better below.

1) What about the Frankenstein prompts inspired your winning piece? The idea of a cowardly scientist led me to thinking about someone who had been mistreated for years, quietly plotting revenge.

2) How long have you been writing flash? Only a year or so.

3) What do you like about writing flash? I love how you can convey so much more sometimes by what isn’t said.

4) What flash advice would you give other writers? Wow, I’m the one usually asking for advice. I would just say read more flash.  Seek out great writers.  Ask questions.

5) Who is a writer we should follow, and why? I love Sonya @ Only 100 Words.  A new 100 word story everyday.  I’ve learned so much about flash from reading her work.

6) Do you participate in other flash contests, and which? None at the moment.

7) What other forms do you write? I write short stories and am working on a novel.

8) What is/are your favorite genre(s) to write, and why? Suspense! I like to keep readers guessing until the end. I just started a series of suspenseful short stories on my blog.

9) Tell us about a WIP. I’m in the middle of NaNo.  I am writing a YA novel that is actually an expansion of the first flash story I submitted, Posh Preggers.

10) How do you feel about dragons? Still angry mom wouldn’t let me and my brother raise the one we brought home when we were kids!

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