Tag Archive | pilgrims

Flash! Friday: Vol 3 – 37

IT’S FRIDAY! And I’ll take you one further: it’s Friday, August 21, 2015. I point this out in case you are joining us from your time machine, particularly if yours is one of the older models without the self-updating clock (no judgment here; my model’s so clumsy, I can only travel to years ending in 5. Which is doubtless part of the reason I’ve abandoned scifi for dragonry: clocks are expected to obey your bidding at least some of the time, while a dragon never is. A backwards sort of reassurance, but there you go). 

In any event, glad you’re here, lookin’ good, pull up a chair, sharpen your pencils, summon your Muse (speaking of the Muse, guess who’s leaping into the Spotlight hot seat this Tuesday! It’s Flash! Friday’s own Aria Glazki, who on this very Tuesday will launch Mortal Musings into the world), and please spend a few minutes writing with us. Welcome!


DC2Soaring into the lair from mysteriously lyrical and/or half-crazed parts unknown is Dragon Team Eight, which can only mean today’s stories will be judged by A.J. Walker & Voima Oy. As Voima lives not far from Chicago’s elevated train and A.J. is acquainting himself with his inner courier, you can see how they are both beautifully suited to today’s prompt. For their thoughts on what a winning story ought to look like, click on their names above.     


Awards Ceremony: Results will post Monday. Noteworthy #SixtySeconds interviews with the previous week’s winner post Thursdays.  

* Today’s required word count: 200 +/- 10 words  (190 min – 210 max words, not counting title/byline)

How to enterPost your story here in the comments. Be sure to include your word count (this week 190 – 210 words, excluding title/byline), the two story elements you based your story on, and Twitter handle if you’ve got one. If you’re new or forgetful, be sure to check the contest guidelines.

Deadline: 11:59pm ET tonight (check the world clock if you need to; Flash! Friday is on Washington, DC time)

Winners: will post Monday.

Prize: The Flash! Friday e-dragon e-badge for your blog/wall, your own winner’s page here at FF, a 60-second interview next Thursday, and your name flame-written on the Dragon Wall of Fame for posterity.


This week’s novel inspiration: Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer’s bitingly clever collection of tales by a colorful troupe of pilgrims — as a contest, no less, with a free dinner as the prize.

Story elements (base your story on any TWO of these elements; be sure to tell us which two you chose. Reminder: please remember the Flash! Friday guidelines with regard to content). 

* Conflict: man v man
Character (choose one): a knight on a quest, a patient wife, a treacherous wife, three foolish gamblers, a talking rooster, a saint who survives execution
Theme(s) (choose one): subterfuge, corruption, justice, pranks, courtly love
Setting: long road en route to a shrine

OPTIONAL PHOTO PROMPT (for inspiration only; it is NOT REQUIRED for your story):

Traveler. CC2.0 pic by Nathaniel.

Traveler. CC2.0 pic by Nathaniel.