Warmup Wednesday!

Directions: Write a scene or an entire story of 100 words on the nose (no more, no fewer), inspired by this photograph. No judging. All fun. (Normal Flash! Friday guidelines regarding content apply.)
Don’t forget to add your Twitter handle & link to your blog, pretty please.

And a few words on how your week’s going — won’t you, please??

 This week’s Warmup Wednesday challenge: include someone’s forgetting something important.

KL Tower base jump 2012 (Kuala Lumpur). CC2.0 photo by enshadi.

KL Tower base jump 2012 (Kuala Lumpur). CC2.0 photo by enshahdi.

12 thoughts on “Warmup Wednesday!

  1. The Bright Brothers

    “Well, I was thinking, if I could just catch a gust of wind, if I was up quite high, like in a building, eh, not high on pickle juice or some herbal derivative, but up there in one of them ‘scrapers, I could get the wind to my back, spread my arms real wide, but, like, wearing a real windbreaker that would kinda billow up, I was thinking, what would be the odds I could actually, you know, fly?”

    “About 50/50, Orville?”

    “Is that all, Wilbur?”

    “Yup. You’d either take flight or you wouldn’t.”

    “Shucks, Wilbur, that can’t be wright.”

    100 crash landings

    Best part of the week was listening to Smiling Jack Smith perform great blues at the Piercy Farm as the sun went down. Worst part was not being smart enough to know summer had ended and the nights were getting cold.


  2. @GeoffHolme
    Word Count: 100

    Lost in Translation

    “How are you liking your birthday, Ruben?”

    Liking? I’m loving it! New Van Halen T-shirt, their latest LP, VIP tickets to their concert tonight… what’s not to like? Thanks, man!

    “There’s just one thing I don’t understand… Don’t get me wrong, dude. I mean, I’ve never been to the top of a skyscraper before, and the view from up here is totally awesome. But why did we have to put on backpacks and helmets?”

    Backpacks! HA! It’s your big treat, bro. You said you wanted a base jump session. Geronimo!”

    “You idiot! I said I wanted a “JUMP” BASS LESS-O-O-ON!!”


    It’s been a funny old week – posting all NANOfiction entries to contests since last Friday… I’m hoping this will get me in the right frame of mind for Micro Bookends tomorrow.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ready? Go!

    ‘Okay, Vinnie, we’ve got everything wrapped up, strapped up and ready to go?’
    ‘We only checked about a million times, Ger.’
    ‘Yeah, I know, but…’
    ‘Dude, don’t back out on me now! My adrenaline is pumping, I’m ready to do this!’
    ‘So am I, but…’
    ‘Dude! Less talking, more jumping! Focus!’
    ‘I just can’t help thinking I’ve forgotten something.’
    ‘I swear…’
    ‘Fine. You’re right. Let’s do this.’
    The two brothers step off the ledge, into the outstretched, wafer-thin arms of the surrounding sky.
    ‘Aaaaaah,’ Vinnie yells ecstatically.
    ‘Oh, I know,’ Ger yells as he soars down. ‘It’s my wedding anniversary!’


    It was the first day of school this week, yes on a Wednesday, on account of ‘Prinsjesdag’ and all. So, naturally, rain poured down as we walked to and from school. And right now I’m supposed to be translating a book. Better get back to that, thanks for having me! 🙂


  4. “Skydiving Roulette”
    I thought being a wing walker would have been a cool thing. If you were lucky, you’d be colorfully costumed, strapped and cabled to a wing flying high above a Crosby /Hope movie.
    We are in a new century where movies are made by amateurs and people will do anything unusual to be momentary stars. The latest thing is novices jumping off the wing of a plane with something strapped to their back. What’s on your back is a surprise: Sometimes it’s a parachute, other times it’s a jet pack, and occasionally it’s lunch.
    Did I mention the live streaming?

    Hi Im at Moondustwriter.com

    on twitter @moondustwriter


  5. Addiction
    WC 100

    Is it fear of dying or fear of living that makes me cross this line?

    Mind shouts jump but body declines with one shaking hand gripping the rail as adrenaline morphs into discomfort.

    Mastering the mind — body connection I hurl myself over into the void, watching ground race upwards as fast as the KL falls away.

    Time slows. Silence invades. Senses explode.

    Tumbling, twisting, touching air, pushing out of my comfort zone, I count seconds before pulling the cord — doubt always lingers. Gulping down air I’d forgotten to breathe my descent slows.

    This is my drug. This is my addiction.

    Started second year of Access course (going to Uni next year as a mature student).
    Submitted work to a couple of competitions.
    Have a small piece scheduled on Paragraph Planet for Friday.
    Had my hair cut and then got wet coming home in the rain!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Lover’s Leap
    100 words

    I gestated in midair. Mom wasn’t about to let pregnancy get in the way of a good jump. Rumor has it I was conceived there, too.

    She waited six postpartum weeks before strapping me to her chest and jumping off Gareth’s Point, named for the man who’s wing-suit got fouled halfway down. Rumor has it he’d been engaged in a lascivious act.

    You understand, then, why for her 80th birthday, I drove Mom up here across from Gareth’s Point, and why I didn’t double-check that she’d packed an emergency chute.

    “Harriet’s Point” has a nice ring to it, dontcha think?

    So, if the squidlet starting school for the first time wasn’t monumental enough, we’re engaged in securing our first home. It’ll mean a move out of the city and away from the pre-school the squidlet has already fallen in love with, but we’re going for it.


  7. If only I had more words 😉
    100 Words

    I’m not very good at remembering things, often it is only when I jump off, or out, of something that my mind clears enough for things to come flooding back.

    It must have something to do with relaxing after the exhilaration of the experience because it tends to happen after I’ve pulled the parachute cord.

    Not the most convenient of mind arrangements, especially as it all goes again after I’ve landed, but what can you do?

    Anyway, that time in Kuala Lumpur, I remember remembering something of the utmost importance. Something I had to tell Mum straightaway- yes, it was


    I’m not very good at remembering things,
    100 Words

    often it’s only when I jump off, or out, of something that my mind clears enough for things to come flooding back.

    It must have something to do with relaxing after the exhilaration of the experience because it tends to happen after I’ve pulled the parachute cord.

    Not the most convenient of mind arrangements, especially as it all goes again after I’ve landed, but what can you do?

    Anyway, that time in Kuala Lumpur, I remember remembering something of the utmost importance. Something I had to tell Mum straightaway- very important. I’ll have to jump again; but with my phone.


    Been quite a busy week this week, with different library talks and teaching sessions, but fun it shall be 🙂


  8. Sky Writing or
    the Calligraphy of Clouds
    Do you know that tip of the tongue feeling? Sensation of an idea tickling your thoughts like trying to eat a photo of a pizza? That brilliant sort of ponderence of an aura that surrounds seasons? Scent of October? Now, times that by a million and the tongue becomes the edge of a skyscraper that you’re balanced on trying to pronounce the entire skyline of a city. That’s alzheimers. Your parachute is paper and you sky write things down. Soft curl of a reminder. The calligraphy of clouds, that you fall through, with pieces of sun shattering in your mind.


  9. The Getaway

    “Open your eyes for your big surprise!”
    They heard the screams from street level. It wasn’t what I was expecting.
    She could barely talk through the sobs, “Why would you do this to me? You know I’m terrified of heights!”
    “Terrified of heights? That’s news to me! I thought you’d always wanted to do a base jump?”

    She stops crying long enough to scowl, “You’re mixing me up with your ex again.”

    Uh oh. Have you ever wanted the ground to just open up and swallow you whole? Fortunately I had something almost as effective.

    “See you at the bottom!”

    100 words

    This week I did something really fun, I recorded the audiobook version of my first novella – Getting Lucky. It was a really great experience and definitely something I would recommend, although it was a lot harder than I was expecting! I took along my video camera to capture my award winning performance, and all I ended up with was a rather long blooper reel 😉 http://www.todayschapter.com/getting-lucky-audiobook-bloopers


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