Sixty Seconds with: Michael Seese

Ten answers to ten questions in 20 words or fewer. That’s less time than it takes to burn a match*.

(*Depending on the length of the match and your tolerance for burned fingers, obviously)


Our newest Flash! Friday winner is Michael Seese.  Read his winning story here, then take one minute to get to know him better.

1) What about the prompt inspired your winning piece?  I started with the thunder, then thought of the steps and caves. That led to “hurried, scurried,” which made me think of ants.

2) How long have you been writing flash? I wrote my first flash fiction (by that name) in 2011. But all my life I’ve written a lot of short, short stuff.

3) What do you like about writing flash? I like writing flash because it suits my attention… Oh look! A robin!

4) What flash advice would you give other writers? Veterans know this, but for newbies, remember: even though it’s 100 – 200 words, it needs a beginning, middle, and end.

5) Who is a writer we should follow, and why? I don’t follow anyone specific. I just enjoy reading others’ work in these sorts of contests. {Editor’s Note: A great place to start is with Flash! Friday winners.}

6) Do you participate in other flash contests, and which? Indies Unlimited, and super-agent Janet Reid (whenever she posts one among her sterling advice columns).

7) What other forms do you write (novels, poetry, articles, etc)? Everything. I used to write newspaper articles. I write poetry (a lot on Twitter) short stories, and novels. And songs.

8) What is/are your favorite genre(s) to write, and why? I don’t have a favorite. I write MG, YA, and adult. Comedy, thrillers, literary fiction, non-fiction.

9) Tell us about a WIP.  Promoting** a recently published long short story, Rebecca’s Fall From… Looking for an agent for my MG piece. And I’m about to start an adult thriller.

** In the spirit of giving, “Rebecca” will be free for Kindle download on Amazon today (Wednesday) and tomorrow.

10) How do you feel about dragons? As long as I have Excalibur with me, I fear no mythical beasts.


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