Tag Archive | Lord of the Rings

Sixty Seconds II with: Dr. Magoo/Eric Martell

Ten answers to ten questions in 20 words or fewer. That’s less time than it takes to burn a match*.

(*Depending on the length of the match and your tolerance for burned fingers, obviously)


Our latest Flash! Friday winner (for his 2nd time) is Eric Martell.  Read his winning story here, then take one minute to get to know him better. (Read his first interview here.)

1) What about the prompt inspired you to write your winning piece? I was reacting to two things – the desolation of the landscape, empty save for a lone dog, and the grief I was feeling reading about a two year old boy who had been beaten to death by his grandmother’s boyfriend (allegedly). There are times I wonder if we’re capable of saving ourselves as a species.

2) Do you outline, or are you more of a discovery writer? Discovery. The words and ideas come from a place I don’t quite understand. 

3) How would you describe your writing style? I think I write best when I’m communicating something real that I understand, be it rage or grief or joy.

4) When did you begin writing fiction? The first fiction piece I wrote with any serious intentionality since school was the story I wrote for the OUAT anthology.

5) Introduce us to a favorite character in one of your stories. Simon, the main protagonist of the novel I wrote this year. A man of leisure, privilege, and bored with it pulled out of his own time by a mysterious umbrella. To what end? 🙂

6) What books have influenced your life the most? As a reader, Lord of the Rings. I re-read it every year, and I can find something new each time. As a writer, King’s On Writing. Both for its honesty and its advice.

7) What are you currently reading? Wool, by Hugh Howey and The Selkie Enchantress, by Sophie Moss.

8) How do you combat writer’s blockTake a break, get some tea, and then start typing. Get the crappy words out and try to move on. Thankfully, it’s never gotten worse than that.  

9) What is the best writing advice you’ve ever been given? Write.

10) What do you admire most about dragons? Their cuddly nature, their generosity, and their fondness for a good fire. [[Editor’s note: So glad someone’s finally appreciating dragons’ softer side.]]