Sixty Seconds II with: Karl A. Russell

Ten answers to ten questions in 20 words or fewer. That’s less time than it takes to burn a match*.

(*Depending on the length of the match and your tolerance for burned fingers, obviously)


Our newest Flash! Friday winner is Karl A Russell.  Read his winning story here. Note that this is his second win (in what is sure to be a long line) — read his first #SixtySeconds interview (from Dec 2013) here. Then take another minute to get to know him better below.

1) What about the prompt inspired your winning piece? The ship was the focal point, but I wanted to do the big theme of independence on a tiny scale.

2) Do you outline, or are you more of a discovery writer? Both – I look at the prompt first thing, let the ideas percolate, then let it all out in one go.

3) How would you describe your writing style? Messy. I write anywhere (this one came while waiting for a train), then  cut back to the essentials later.

4) When did you begin writing fiction? I mashed together Star Wars and Dan Dare for my first school magazine around the age of 7.

5) Introduce us to a favorite character in one of your stories. I loved Norma in my 1000 Words contest entry – She’s completely oblivious to the chaos she causes (like the author…).

6) What books have influenced your life the most? As a writer, Stephen King was massive for me – He makes it look so easy! And it is – For him…

7) What are you currently reading? Doctor Sleep by Stephen King (see?) and a graphic novel by Stephen Collins called The Gigantic Beard Which Was Evil.

8) How do you combat writer’s block? Wait for Friday – No matter how I feel (or how drunk I may get) I WILL write for you. 🙂

9) What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever been given? “Whack it in” and “No-one is going to kill you for it” from my good buddies @TheShakes72 and @BartVanGoethem.

10) What do you admire most about dragons?  Their great taste – None have done more than chew at my fingers so far; I’m just not that palatable!


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